Best Piano Extender Pedal: make your little ones play the piano very soon

People playing piano require variety of accessories along with it. Some of you may not aware of such accessories. You must have heard about the piano pedals. But, many newbies as well as experienced piano players are not aware of the piano extender pedal.


Why piano extender pedal is used?


Kids or people with short height cannot touch they ground with their feet while they sit on piano bench in front of piano. It is due to short height issue. But, the height should not be the barrier if someone plays great music. The extender pedals lift the platform to a height so that the short height individual can keep their feet on the pedal and operate it.


Who can use the extender pedal?


Playing piano is the aim of many individual irrespective of their age. Many kids are passionate about this musical instrument. They start playing piano from very young age. But their height is not appropriate to touch the ground with their feet after sitting over the piano bench. Thus, for all those kids who have started playing piano quite early uses the extender pedal. There are many short heighted people who cannot use the normal pedal while playing the piano. Thus, for all the extender pedal works well.


Advantages of extender pedal


You can now come across various advantages of the accessory of the piano named as the ‘extender pedal’. Following are some points:


·         It allows playing piano without limiting the age

·         This can add dynamics to your piano playing

·         The extender pedal also adds certain expressions

·         Extender pedal also let the kids expand their repertoire

·         After using the extender for several days, the posture of your kids will become perfect


Features of piano extender pedal


·         Adjustment- The normal piano pedals have no adjustment. Thus, people who have good height and get their feet reach the floor while sitting on the piano bench can use those. But, the piano extender comes with adjustable variation.  Thus, whether you are too short or moderate, these extenders will really help.


·         Sturdy- When you are buying the piano extender, you must check whether it is durable or not. Yes, the branded variety of the piano extender are very sturdy. You can use them for long years. Without much depreciation in its value.


·         Fitting- It is important to find out whether the pedals fits properly to your feet. It has been proved that the fitting will be well. Whatever type of piano you have, the extender pedal will fit well. Some of the variation where the extender fits well are Steinway, upright, grand, etc


·         Body relaxation- The piano pedal extender works in such a way that it gives good relaxation to the player. He or she can keep the body weight easily while playing the piano. This will give him or her a subtle relaxing pose. It is always good to relax while playing music as the output will be favourable. If you are extra tensed while playing music


Disadvantage of not using a piano extender pedal


The extender for piano is a must for many pianists. Think about a person playing piano sitting on the bench with very short height. He/ she won’t reach their feet till the floor. Either he must stand and play the piano or sit at the edges while playing piano. In both the situation playing piano will be very hard. Following are the disadvantages:


·         The player will stay in a tensed posture while playing the piano. As a result, his performance won’t be up to the mark

·         Focus of the pianist will be his sitting position and not the music. The mind gets diverted and gives rise to improper piano playing.

·         Extra weight on the heel is another advantage which the piano player will face when they don’t use the piano extended pedal. As a result, long after you have played the piano your heels will pain

·         The piano player must sit very close to the piano. The arms also get tensed with no place to fit it in a position. Thus, the player will face the harder situation while playing the piano with such posture.


List of Best Piano Extender Pedal


1.       Wood adjustable piano pedal extender bench in Ebony with 3 pedals

Wood adjustable piano pedal extender
Wood adjustable piano pedal extender


You can easily see the image of this piano extender pedal which looks attractive in dark color. The material used in the body of this device is completely wood. The pedals are made up of the solid hardwood. The brass like polish is also used over there. People of all height can easily get into it and play the piano in a comfortable way. Let us find out more features of the Best Piano Extender Pedal

Over here.


Features of Wood adjustable piano pedal extender bench in Ebony


·         Design– People have the tendency to justify the look at first. They won’t see the quality at first. Wood adjustable piano pedal extender bench have a black color body with a perfect shine. The pedals are hardwood and have bras polish. All together it looks attractive.

·         Adjustment– Not all people getting the extender pedal from the market will be having same height. Some may have extremely low height where as other may have average height. The extender pedal over here is made in such a way that, it can be adjusted as per the height.


·         Money back warranty– The manufacturer of the product is quite confident about it. They provide an offer where you will get compulsory money back if there is any defect or the flaws in the item. But, you need to inform the same within 30 days of time. You must report within this time and you can get your money back.


·         Ease of use– One of the most important factor which the user consider is easiness in using,  If the predict is not user friendly, that will create trouble in operating.


·         No installation– This is the adjustable pedal that can be ready to use. There will be no need of installation.




Are you looking for the best piano extender pedal? Wood adjustable piano pedal extender bench is the one you must consider. It has a scope of adjustment so that people with all variety of height and sit comfortably. The design of this piano extender is quite attractive with its Ebony dark shade along with a wonderful polish. There is no need of installation. The players can easily use it after they buy. The product is quite popular in the market. The reviews are positive, and rating is 3.9 out of 5.


2.       2017 lightweight adjustable piano pedal extender bench for kids with 3 pedals

Piano pedal extender bench for kids
Piano pedal extender bench for kids


Today, even kids can learn piano. Normally, English families have the culture of playing piano. Thus, children growing there also get enough scope of learning. After viewing their parents playing piano, they also develop passion. But, they could not play due to their height. The piano extender pedal play a wonderful role over here. The 2017 lightweight adjustable piano is designed especially for the kids who can now comfortably play the piano.


Features of 2017 lightweight adjustable piano pedal extender


·         Design- The design of the piano is remarkable with the use of ABS material. It comes with the shinny layout with the pedals made of metal. The gold color is used in the pedals. It looks trendy and attractive.


·         Adjustable- The piano extender made for the kids can be adjusted easily. There is a good flexibility of adjustment between 6.7” to 13.8”. Thus, there is wider option for the piano player with less height.


·         Guarantee- You can now get this piano extender pedal with guaranty. You can get it from the online shopping site. It is possible to get the product from there.


·         Light weight- Since it is made for the children, the light weight variation is made. This will be easier for them to carry.



The light weight designed piano has many advantages. The portability factor will help the individual to carry it easily from one place to another. You can take it to the place where the training is conducted. Again, there will be the need at home or studio. This will help you to carry this piano extender pedal. There is a good scope of adjustment between 6.7” to 13.8”. This is now widely available in the market. You can get it from online store or physical. The buyer gets a guarantee also. It is rated 3.7 out of 5.


3.       Piano pedal extender bench for kids by sound harbour

Piano pedal extender bench for kids
Piano pedal extender bench for kids


Having a height with the piano bench is preferable when the kids are going to play. But, the normal benches don’t have this facility All you have to do is get a piano pedal extender bench. This one from the bucket of the sound harbour is a great variety. We are going to speak about various features of this piano pedal extender.


Features of sound harbour’s piano pedal extender


·         Adjustability- The piano pedal extender helps in boosting your height while you are playing a piano. Also, not all individual has a similar height. This gives rise to feature of adjustability. This one can be adjusted between the height of 14.5 to 21cm


·         Weight balance- Since this piano pedal extender is made exclusively for the kids, the weight balance is an important consideration. You can now get this facility here. sound harbour’s piano pedal extender comes with such exclusive weight balance.


·         Both variation- It Is true that this piano extender is designed with 3 pedals for ease of use. But, this can also be used for the two-pedal piano.


·         Durability- One of the most important factor to consider while playing piano is buying its accessories is the durability. The piano extender is one of them that is not very low priced. Thus, you would like to get his one in such a variation which will stay for a long time.



The sound harbour is such a manufacturer of musical instrument that has promised to provide great customer satisfaction. This piano pedal extender has almost all features to make it stand in the market. The weight balance, flexibility, control, etc have made the instrument one of the best. It gets the rating of 3.6 out of 5.


4.       Piano foot pedal extender by Griffin

Piano Foot Pedal Extender by Griffin
Piano Foot Pedal Extender by Griffin


When you are purchasing a musical instrument or its accessories it is always important to choose a brand. The Griffin is also one among the famous brands that deal with the accessories and musical instrument. You can now find many features associated with the piano foot pedal extender by Griffin.


Features of piano foot pedal extender by Griffin


·         Comfort factor- The player of piano must stay comfortable while they play the piano. This is only possible if they use an appropriate piano extender. After keeping feet of this extender anyone can feel confident.


·         Adjustment- You must look for the flexibility in adjustment while you buy a piano extender. Normally this one has a range between 7” to 10.25”. You can adjust the height easily between thus range of piano extender.


·         Practice and performance- If you are playing piano it means that you must carry on with the practice regularly. This is a well-known extender pedal which will allow you to practice for long hours. This creates a perfect positioning. As a result, regular practice can be done comfortably.


·         Easy to set up- You wont require a professional to install the piano and its device. There will be user manual where everything is explained in a layman language. Thus, you an install it easily and remove easily as well.




The piano has good scope of outstanding getting comfort and use. The scope of adjustment is quite high as it can allow individuals of any age group to play piano. The manufacturer has made it the deluxe dual piano pedal extender. The lightweight piano extender are light weight and easy to carry. Thus you can carry it from one place to another. It has achieved good rating. You get the marks of 4 out of 5.


















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