Tricks to Stay Motivated Learning Piano: boost your piano learning skill

Learning piano is not very easy. Task. You must stay very patient and focused to learn the musical instrument. You must have start the learning with a zeal. But, after few months you may lose interest. Thus, this article will provide you with the tricks that will help you stay motivated when you start learning piano. People gives up for number of reasons. But, to learn something, you must stay focussed and highly motivated. There are certain tried and tested methods that will help you get the best solution of learning piano with motivation.

motivation in piano learning
motivation in piano learning

Reasons for losing interest


There may be great zeal among the individuals while they start learning piano. But, after some days of piano lessons they tends to lose interest. Do you know why? Following are the reasons for that:

  • Failure of support from guardian/ parents
  • Boring method of teaching by the music teacher
  • Lack of practice on a regular basis
  • No improvement in learning process
  • Too much of gap due to lack of regular class


Benefits of digital piano playing


Gone are the days when you must stick to the music teacher for hours so that he/ she have a mercy to teach you piano. Digital piano playing is not dependent on any music teacher. You can use the technology for playing your piano smoothly. You will get much more advantages by the digital piano. Following are some of them:


  • Develop sense of rhythm- You can easily develop your sense of rhythm with the click option. Normally, the beginners face the issue. How to speed up and slow down has a level of difficulty. But the digital piano learning will make it easy.
  • Practicing in peace- The digital piano playing will keep both the player and the people around him stay in peach. You can use the headphone and do practice. No one will feel disturbed while you play the piano. Also, you won’t feel disturbed from the surrounding noise.
  • Record and listen- The digital piano learning will help you get a recording of the music that you played. You can hear the recording hen you are free. Soon you will recognize where you are lagging. Thus, you can easily improve your piano learning skill.
  • Using app- You will be possibly having app in your smart phone. The digital piano playing has the advantage of getting on apps. Through the application you will be in a state of boosting you’re playing capacity.
  • Playing with versatile sound- Normally, when you enrol yourself to a piano teacher, he/she will always stick up to his or her point. The teacher will let you play exactly which he feels good. There will be no flexibility and versatility. But, with the help of the digital piano, you will get great advantage of flexibility and versatility.


Tricks to stay motivated learning piano

  1. Master the song


Whatever you do it your life must reach to your satisfaction level. Sometimes, people getting a good job with great salary are not happy. Do you know why? It is just because they are not satisfied with their work. Similarly, when you are playing music, you just not only do it for the sake of doing it. There must be a satisfactory level.


When you start mastering the song, you will attain the satisfaction level. You will be having the eagerness to play it repeatedly. But, it is important to keep things fresh. Thus, moving on after mastering the song is important.


There will be variation of styles as well as techniques. You get an opportunity to learn through an apathic means you have not just one but several options. Once you have become bored with a single music, you can switch over the other and enjoy playing.


  1. The music that you love


Everybody has their likes and dislikes. Even in the field of music it goes with the same theory. Why is your mood suddenly improved when you hear your favourite song? There are different types of music that you can learn in your piano lessons. But, you may not like all. Thus, it is always good to bang upon the music that you love.


Piano is such a musical instrument that allow you to play anything. People can go with the genre while starting the playing of piano for the first time. Some of you may like the music of latest album. But, others will be having fascination for oldies. In all the cases you must go with the music that you love.

  1. Setting up of milestone


Target is an important part of business. Do you want to play in a large concert? If yes, make this your milestone. You can start your playing piano and singing from a small birthday party of your son or a Christmas get together. The milestone will help you stay focused on what you want. Also, you will have the motivation to learn piano.


Sometimes parents make themselves updated for their children. Say for example, your kid wishes to play piano. You might not know the music or the way to use the instrument. Neither you have interest. But, since your son wish you to play, you will get motivated for this fact.


  1. Select the best/suitable time


Music is an art where you need proper focus. You must have some mental peace while you play the same. You must choose such a time where no one will disturb you while you play the piano. Also, pick up the time when you feel you are free.


Apparently, there is no best time to play the piano. But, your flexibility is an important factor. For example, you may feel that early morning is the good time to play the music. Again, some other day you have chosen a time in the mid-afternoon. So, it is totally on you about the time you choose for playing piano.


  1. Keyboard in convenient place


Normally, piano players wish to keep their keybaord handy. They don’t wish to place it in such a place from where it will be totally immovable. Thus, when you are playing the piano keybaord, make a point that you place the keybaord in such a place that it can be easily played or plugged.


You may also like to carry the piano and place in some other place where you feel comfortable. Music is all about the mood. You must get a surrounding or environment where you will feel music. The keybaord must be easily carried to such place as well.

your child motivation

  1. Spend quality time with piano


Set up a time when you must play piano. Every day on that day you must sit with your piano keybaord. Sometimes you may not like playing the piano. But, in that case you may listen to the music of your favourite piano player.


You will easily start playing music like an expert. Make it a routine and give some quality time to your music. You may lean back to an arm chair and simply listen to the sounds which the music composers provide. You can watch the styles which the famous piano players carry on during time.


  1. Record after reaching goal


The modern piano has the record option. You can easily record your music in it. Once you have the free time, keep on listening the record.  This will make you feel good about yourself. You will realize about your talent and music composing skill.  Once you have known the competency, you will be highly motivated about the music. This will boost your playing skill. You will gain confidence and carry on with the activity of music composition.


You can compare your performance with the famous performer. This will help you know about how you must have succeeded in reaching your target. This is a wonderful attempt of staying motivated while playing piano.


  1. Starting a blog of piano learning


Today, people are too much inclined towards online ventures. Even for education and learning, internet and search engine are the best remedy. People earn great reputation by starting their own blog and website. It is quite fascinating to have a statistic where people from different countries will see your contents of website.


Starting a blog on piano learning information will make yourself feel worth. People will get information from your blog and use them for productive purpose. You can even educate many students who have less knowledge about piano learning.


You will be highly motivated when you receive appreciation from the feedback column. You must encourage your visitor to provide feedback and advice for making the blog better. They will give you suggestion. According to which you can work again. This will easily make you truly motivated.




The above-mentioned tips will be worth while you play piano. Whether you have just started playing piano or carrying on with this practice for a long term, the tips will always help you stay motivated. Follow this tricks without fail if you actually wish to stay happy and boost up while making piano and the music a part of your life.


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