Learning to Play the Piano as an Adult: remember your age while playing

The piano learning is a great experience for people with all age group. Some of the elders or adults had the willingness to play piano. But, due to their responsibilities and work-related issues piano playing and learning becomes difficult. After getting free from all responsibilities they become aged. Thus, even if they are willing, that is the time they lose the zeal in life. They feel awkward to learn music in piano.

adult piano learning
adult piano learning

Is there an age boundary to learn piano?

There was a time when people used to think too much about the age. They think that, learning anything, may it be piano or something else, need a young age to start. Generally, according to them, the right age to learn something may be from childhood till 25 years of age. Exceeding this age makes them feel shy. They have a feeling that, the society and people will back bite about this.

Today the time has change. People with all age range can learn piano easily. Even if you have crossed 50 years of age or 70, you get a good chance to learn piano. Even the society and people has accepted this fact. Nothing to hide or stay back. You must do whatever you like in your life. Also, the age is not a factor at all. Thus, if you wish to learn piano and play it, the facility is there.

Why starting piano lessons early is not an advantage?

Some of you may be quite lucky that you got an opportunity to start going piano school at a young age.  But, according to many kids of piano schools, learning during beginning years were not that fascinating. The type of lessons and music’s which the teachers used to teach were not that interesting. They lack motivation in the students. The kids were asked by the teachers to go ahead with regular practice. But, the children’s mind found it a great struggle.

Is adult piano learning interesting?

When you are an adult, your brain and mind get vivid development. Naturally, you start acting as a matured chap. Your thinking and accessing power is not as underdeveloped as a kid or a teenager. You will naturally understand every single lesson of the piano teacher easily. You may have some preference of song and music. But, whether it is the pop song or classical music, adults will easily learn and practice. Also, creating some innovative music will be quite easy. There is no age of starting piano lessons. Even if you have crossed 50 years of age, playing piano and getting the lessons in your mind will be easier.

Learning piano at any age

Some people have a feeling that, starting piano lessons at very early age can do wonder. They also feel that; elders and aged people can’t follow the lessons or learn it appropriately. According to researchers, human brain is capable to learn certain thing at any point of time. This process is known as’ brain plasticity’.  This is totally dependent on the individual and his willingness.

If you wish to dig your brain deeper, it will gain more capacity to preserve things in it and that too for a long time. It is true that, the adults may not develop the new brain connection as that of children. But, that won’t make a big difference. Whether you cross 18 years or 40, your brain is capable to get wider things in your memory.  Especially when it is the question of music, they develop a great interest. Naturally, learning process will be easier.

What can adult brain grasp easily?

Kids or children have a very simple mind. Thus, they can follow only simple things. This is quite true even for piano or music learning experience. But, adult brain is much more developed. Thus, they can understand and follow very complex things. The learning phase of piano has many abstract music and composition to follow. This is where the adult brain can perform very well. They can easily understand the notation.

Transforming them to notations will be quite easy as well.  Older mind is wiser. Thus, the step of comprehending music will be quite easier with this. The kids can make numerous mistakes at the beginning stage. Thus, most of the time it runs on the trial and error method. But, adult bran can understand such things very fast and easily. Thus, they don’t have to depend on the trial and error method.

Tips to learn piano as an adult

adult piano learning tips
adult piano learning tips
  1. Goal set up- Everyone must have a goal. As a piano player you too must have the same. Different people have a different set of goals while playing piano. Some of you may need to learn it so that you can perform in a special event. Again, another group of people starts learning piano so that they can play for their own enjoyment. You must always keep in mind about your goal. This step will help you stay motivated.


  1. Get a teacher- Today, people are surviving in internet-based world. Thus, everything is available once you google. There will be good number of online tutorials. But, having a physical teacher with experience will be a good option. You will learn new skills with personal touch.


  1. Start from basics- The base must be strong when you are interested in piano. Music is just like mathematics. Those students who have their base extremely strong right from childhood, can make mathematics a good tool for their career. Similarly, even for music there are some basic factors in notes, scales, rhythm, etc. If you have made it strong, things will be easier.


  1. Enjoy playing – It is always good for a music student to enjoy while playing. If you are not interested, you will never learn it. Sometimes, people lose interested if the start up song is not of his or her interest. They become demotivated just at the first instance. Instead, it is good to start playing or learn about the song which you know. Later you can go with the step by step process right from the basic. It is very important for you to enjoy playing the song.


  1. Practice at priority– An adult player must go ahead with the practice of piano on a regular basis. This will improve your piano playing skill.  People have a bad habit of skipping practice. This is going to be a negative impact on your teaching. You can fix a schedule for your practice. You must promise yourself that you will take out some time from your busy hours and go ahead with the practice on regular basis.


  1. Don’t feel awkward for mistakes- We are the human being. God made us with all errors and mistakes. It is obvious that we will make mistake in something or the other. Even with regards to piano learning, this won’t be an exception. Did you know that, many great piano artists have made numerous mistakes in their past? They make mistake to learn and rectify. Even when you are playing piano for the first time, mistakes are part and parcel of piano learning. You can easily learn good facts after making mistakes.


  1. One step at a time- Some people have the tendency to jump and reach to the next step without completing the previous ones. This is a wrong approach which can lead to big problem in your piano learning process in future the players do it as they become impatient and wish reach to the top very soon. But, while rushing, they don’t know that they are dropping the actual teachings of piano Thus, it is always better to take one step at a time and that too serially. This will help you develop self-punctuality. This will take you to a long way in the piano music industry.


  1. Celebration with improvement – Once you have crossed a step and reached one milestones in music industry, there is a ned of celebration. His will boost your confidence level. As a result, you will get the motivation. Naturally, you get your mind ready to go for the next important step. Some of the players try to compose his or her song through a piano.  As people starts liking it, you are successful; This success must be celebrated.


Why piano learning for adults is splendid?

benefit of adult piano learning

Stress reduction

An adult goes ahead with different types of tension and stress throughout the day. It can be related to your office, family or any other concern. But, music is something that relaxes your nerves. The stress level is easily reduced. Piano learning is always better than having some handful of pills. According to some studies, activity of playing piano in adults helps in reducing cortisol levels.

Health benefit with piano learning

Most of you may not know that learning piano is also related to health benefits. As we have already found out that, piano playing reduces the stress level in one’s mind, it automatically makes the person healthy. If the person is mentally sound, no one can stop him or her in becoming healthy. There are many diseases that can arise due to stress and tension. Those are heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, etc. People stays happy by playing music or piano. The blood flow of happy people is effectively increased.  As a result, people will get a reduction of the vascular diseases which is life threatening.

Above 18 brings maturity to music

People crossing 18 years of age brings maturity in brain. Learning music or piano right from that time will easily make your brain healthy. Grabbing complex lessons and abstract thoughts are quite easy when the mind of an individual has become matured.

Increase in memory power

According to the researchers in North-western University, there is good impression on neuro plasticity of an individual when some training takes place. The brain become capable of adapt changes. Music training have positive effect on the body fitness of an individual. Even your skin tones will be improved. You get perfect toning of the auditory fitness. Thus, memory power of the learner who is an adult will be boosted automatically.

Improve joint health

You must be hearing from your elderly parents about joint pains. Now, these joint pains are like recurring expenses. Very few people get a perfect treatment of the same.  You will be surprised to know about the fact that, playing piano helps in reducing pain in your knees, elbows as well as wrist. Even if you have swelling over those portions, playing piano will be of a great help. Even doctors say that, piano playing is a low impact exercise for joints. Thus, if you can practice it on a regular basis your joint pains will be reduced. All types of degenerative disease as well as arthritis will be reduced.

Reduce hormonal dis-balance

Most of the people have several types of hormonal issues. Due to age and other physical changes in life, emotional state of an individual starts getting disturbed. This is due to hormonal changes. This creates trouble in family life as well as individual’s life. Women after crossing 55-60 years have a stage of menopause. That is the time when they have all types of mood swings. If you play piano at that stage, this will help you gain the hormonal balance.

Reduce high blood pressure

Most of the people have serious problem of high blood pressure. This can be hereditary. Some people gets it gradually over the course of time. Whatever may be the cause, the effect is very troublesome. This can be due to tension and mental pressure. Now, you can easily reduce it with the piano playing venture. Practice piano on a regular basis and see how well you get control over your high blood pressure issues. This is actually a proven fact.


The adults deciding on playing piano will get variety of advantages. The above facts will make it very clear. You must take this seriously and start learning piano. Playing piano as an adult will be of a great advantage.



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