Learn How to Play Piano Chord Inversions

Wide range of factors are associated with playing of piano. Some of you may be aware due to repeated playing and lessons from piano teacher. But, majority of the beginners don’t know many facts. Do you know about the chord inversion? To know about this, you must be aware of C major triad. Those include the alphabets C, E and G. These three are the name of notes. Now, arranging all these 3 together in a perfect form is known as root inversion.

Combinations of inversion

The term inversion in piano have variety of combinations.  For instance, if we take C alphabet and move it to the top, there will be notes for C as the major chord. But, the difference lies over the root notes. Yes, this is eventually played in the high notes and not the low notes. Now, this is known as C major scale. Now, you can change the combination of notes. Say for example you have played E, G and C. Now, you can just create some changes and get the note as G, C and E. You can also call it as second inversion.

G major root inversion

You can take any variety of chords for inversion. If you are going for G major, the combination will be G, B and D. It is also possible to take the chord and go ahead with re-arrangement to the first inversion. In such a situation, the arrangement so made for the chord combination are B, D and G.  like wide you can again do it to next inversion. In such a condition, the sequence will be D, G and B.

Steps for inversion exercise

You must practice getting this combination correct while playing piano. There are some simple steps which you must follow. Following are the steps.

  • Start with the play of root inversion
  • Next step will be to take up the first inversion
  • Now, go to the second inversion
  • Then reach to the next highest octaves and play the root inversion
  • Again, you must get back to the level of root inversion which will be backed with octave

The exercise so mentioned above might not be very easy to do at the first instance. You must do it slowly at first. Watching the steps one by one you will be able to have the perfect fulfilment. Once you are accustomed with it, you can get the speed up. If you are right handed, you have the tendency to use only the right hand. But, this might take much time. In such a situation, you must use both right as well as left hand.

How to invert piano chords?

Inversion is nothing but modification or rearrangement of the pitch s well as the direction. Turning the notes of harmonic interval from top to bottom also take the name of inversion. The order of the notes will be of one type. But if you are going for inversions, it is very important to get it arranged in a different way.

You must be thinking that the concept is totally new. But, it is a wrong concept all together. No, it is not that that new, rather you can say it is quite old. Rather this concept was very well used by the famous organ player as well as piano named as harpsichord. They have used this for a year. Using this will make the playing of musical instrument interesting.

Types of inversions

Types of inversions

You must be wandering about various types of inversions. But all these would depend on the number of chords in the piano notes.  The number of inversions existing there will be a determinant of the types of inversions. You must have heard about the triad. It is having 3 notes. 1st inversions and the second inversion are the two types having its popularity among he piano players today.

1st, 2nd and 3rd inversions

Normally, the chord of piano is made up of 4 notes. The time of inversion will be 3 times. But, you won’t get the inclusion of the chord right at the original position. Now, for a 4-tone chord, the combinations are C, E, G, B. Now, you will get all 1st, 2nd and 3rd inversion.

Three triad inversions

Following are most of the vital three note chord position:

  • The root position– This is basically known as the traditional note grouping. This comprises of third, fifth and root.
  • The first version– This is observed when the root note gets moved till the top of the chord. These are root, fifth and third.
  • The second version– This is when the third moved to the top of root. Those are fifth, third and root.

Notes in chord

If you are going ahead with the closest note, you will be able to play the blue progression. The individuals moving to the nearest note will be known as voice leading. The players can play the piano smoothly. But, there is a technique to make it smooth. Just keep your fingers as smooth as possible. The notes are further arranged in a specific order. Following are the list:

  • The inverted triad have the notes that are spaced apart with an interval. This lies between 4th and 3rd
  • The note 3 chord of triad has three notes over the root position. This is further spaced in 3rd
  • The player can use the same note but all with different order.

Reason of using inversions

Most of the players are not aware of inversions. But, from the above-mentioned discussion, it is quite clear that inversion is a vital part of playing piano. There are various benefits of using inversions. Following are the reasons:

Playing with minimum movement

With the help of inversion, it will be quite easy for the players to know how to play with each chord with the help of alterations or chord inversions. As a result, you can easily play the piano in minimum movement.

Simple in chord switching

It is important to shift from one chord to another. But there is no need to hurry up and jump accordingly. You can simple move from one chord to another with the alterations of one or two notes.

Use of single hand possible

This has the advantage of using just a single hand. You can mention it as close position. It is preferable to use both the hands. But, if you wish to use single hand also, there won’t be any problem.

Upgrade sound simply

While playing piano, the sound is an important factor. Just record your   piano playing with and without inversions.  You will yourself realize the enhanced sound quality. You can easily add variety to your piano playing. There will be no restriction for you to play single chord in a song repeatedly. Rather, there will be ample options in your hand.

How to remember chord inversions easily?


How to remember chord inversions

Some of you may think that the technique of chord inversion is very hard. But, there is no worry if you know the proper technique. There are some tips that helps you to remember chord inversions easily. The illustration and case study will make it clear.

The music teacher will always ask you to make a composition with the help of 3 chords.  The combination can be A minor, D Major and G Major. Now, it is on you totally of whether and which one will be remembered at first. There is a specific rule. The student proceeds to D Major. But, it will be quite easy to change D Major with G Major. Here the first one is D root position. Again, there is D as second inversion.

The above discussion states that, whether you go up and down in the piano, you will come across the 4 lines of music. His can be recorded individually and let it hear. Doing this will help you find out the flaws in any. Accordingly, you can rectify also. can

How to practice chord inversion in few simple steps?


how to practice chord inversions
how to practice chord inversions

If you are learning the chord inversion for the first time, the practice will be an important factor. But, even if you are aware of it and can perform this very well, more practice is required. Following are the steps:

  • Go for the major chords playing in each step
  • In other step, go for the minor chords
  • Use the white key at the root position. With this technique you must practice using triads
  • Chords can also be played from a position to the C major scale
  • You can go ahead with practicing each triad above as minor, major, augmented and diminished
  • Start from the black key while learning triad in the root position. It is good to play both minor as well as major
  • It is very important to learn the black key in minor and major inversions that too in all inversions.

Try out inversions

Now you have known almost all the facts on inversion techniques and its advantages. Why not try it right away? You must be excited to try it now. Following are the steps for the start-up process:

  • Choose chord– It is the first time, so its good to try something easy. The experts suggest the piano learners to choose the chord which is already known. It should be from the root form. Don’t hesitate about choosing the chords as the technique of inversion will work well on all the chords.
  • Switch up– Normally, when you are going to invert the chord, there will be two combination that comes in front. Here, you need to switch it up. But, you must keep one factor in note. The version in which you are working out must have the same note. It is good to practice between one root chord. This is good to practice before proceeding with the next one.
  • Short practice workbook- When you are learning piano, you must be having its guide from someone. He/she may be your piano teacher, parent, friend or a guide who have the expertise and proficiency in playing this musical instrument.

How to memorize inversions?

The inversions that you have performed should be in your mind for the lifetime. There is no use of learning it if you tend to forget. In this connection some tips are very useful. Following are the tips:

  • Practice is something you must always do for remembering the inversions that you have performed
  • Try to play the song which is easy for you while using the inversions and the chord. This can be done in the first inversion
  • Remember the drawings of the chord. This visual representation will help you get your mind get a boost. Naturally, you can remember easily
  • Go for the sequences and the progression that you like the most.

Two handed chords for pianist style

There are different types of piano in the market. Playing the chords in each piano must be different. The players having the electric or acoustic piano is indulged towards the closest version of the chord. They play it in the right hand. The left hand is left with root note. Both the hands are equally important for the performance. There are facts on fingerings, voicing,

Use of left hand for three note chords

It is now possible to run the chords with the help of left hand only. This is mostly possible if you are operating with the help of the arranger keyboard. The keybaord must be such that it comes with a brass player, the left-hand operation will be easy and convenient. You can also add some rhythm to the three-chord rock sound to make it meaningful. You can also use the drums if you have those on board.

There are different types of Chord inversions. It will be quite boring to us either straight and repeated variations. The close chord movement is also available. It is quite common for the individual players to go ahead with inverted chord techniques. Playing the crazy chord is a wonderful way to surprise and fascinated the audience.

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