How to learn piano without a teacher?

Learning piano was regarded as a sign of ecstasy few years ago. People rush to piano teacher in the town for their enrolment in piano learning. Some of them can pick up very well as they already have a strong base. But, there are many individuals who must stay back of the group due to delay in picking piano lesson. Even the piano teacher used to get confused about whom to give priority. This become a complete mess at some point of time. But today, it is possible to learn piano without a teacher.

Difficulties in piano learning with teacher?

difficulties of piano playing
difficulties of piano playing

People face a lot of difficulties to attend regular piano classes to learn music. These days, people are too much busy with their official schedule. They must dedicate long hours at work. Also, when they come back home they become very tired. Thus, travelling again to a different location for piano class will be difficult. Some of you may travel a long distance to the city. Thus, they consume a lot of time. It becomes literally difficult to go out in a different location and learn piano.

Should we drop the idea of piano learning?

Some of you may think that, if they cannot enrol to learn piano with a professional piano teacher, they cannot learn piano ever in their life. But, these days the concept of learning piano has changed completely. The conventional way of piano learning is not the end of the world. Today, people can learn everything just by sitting at home. Even piano learning has such facilities these days.

What factors to consider before piano learning?

You need to ask yourself some questions before starting the piano lessons. Some of the questions are as follows:

  • What is your expectation about learning piano lessons?
  • What style or music would you like to play?
  • Do you wish to play blues or honky?
  • Do you wish to compose the music by yourself?
  • Are you interested in Jazz, rock and country?
  • Do you wish to learn the classical music?

What options are favorable for learning piano without a teacher?

If you wish to play blues, honky, or any other contemporary style of music in piano, you can easily learn it by yourself. Just you need to collect some online resources for this. Internet has wide range of such resources which you can accumulate and get a wonderful piano playing experience. For learning all these types of piano lessons, you don’t need a teacher at all.

What option needs a piano teacher?

Learning of piano is not restricted to a single style. There are different types of styles which people can adopt while playing piano. Some of you may be interested in classical based piano lessons. In such a case, you need a teacher or a professional in piano learning trait. The classical based piano learning can be taught by the piano teacher who have taken training and completed all lessons in this field.

How to teach self-play of piano without teacher?

self piano without teacher
self piano without teacher

There are few steps in learning piano by yourself. It is not always that you may require a piano teacher for yourself.  There are few steps you need to follow.

  • Get a piano keyboard– Piano is a musical instrument that is operated with the help of the keybaord. If you want to learn the playing of this musical instrument, you must get this one. Either you can buy it yourself or simply hire it from your friend.
  • How to select a piano to play yourself?
  • If you think, the piano will be a big investment before you learn it completely, you must go for renting one.
  • Sometimes, you may not have enough money to buy a piano. But, you are quite desirous about buying one. I such a situation, you can get a keyboard. This is going to be less expensive than a complete piano.
  • Tuning of a piano is another important factor when you get a vintage or an antique variation. This is how you can train your ears and get corrected notes.
  • You can also go for the learning keybaord. This can be lighted up in a specific order. These are associated with books and videos. This helps in piano learning easily.


  • Familiarize with piano- You cannot start playing piano in a single day. There are some factors you must consider before starting the activity of playing piano. If you are going to play piano for the first time, you must familiarise yourself to the musical instrument. Just randomly press with your fingers and see how soft the keys of the keyboards are. Also, learn the keys that resemble specific notes.


  • Learning of major keys– Once you are accustomed with the minor keys, the next step will be to lean the major keys. Belief me, even over here you don’t require a piano teacher. You can assign number for each alphabet. For example, 3 is E, 1 is C, 6 is A, etc.


  • Learning the chords- The next step of the piano learning is learning the chords. If you are going to play songs in piano, learning the chords will be very important. It is since the songs are composed of several chords. Start from the basic chord learning experience. This is also important to play the chords so that you get familiarise with the song.


  • Pattern – The next step of piano learning without a teacher is to notice the pattern. When there is steady rhythm or beat, the chords teds to get repeated. It is very important to hear it again and again. This way you can identify the patter well. Thus, from the next time whether the song is going or the music, you can easily go with it.


  • Humming- Another important tips of learning piano is consideration of humming. This helps in remembering of a song. You can also compose it further with the humming song sequence. This makes you hum the tune.


  • Finger placement- This is going to be another art while you are willing to play piano without teacher. There is destined fingers that are allotted to each piano keys. The individuals willing to learn piano must be aware of this fact. You won’t face any difficulty as the fingers are numbered in the piano learning tutorials.


  • Go for practice- Practice in your piano is something you should always consider. Even after you have learnt the technique without ample practice you will forget. You can practice in two ways. One is by listening to the piano tunes and the humming sound. Also, go ahead with your finger work on piano after following the lessons. Do the practice for at least 1-2 hours in a day. This will make you confident in piano playing.


Factors to play piano efficiently

playing piano effeciently
playing piano effeciently

You must consider some factors that can help you piano playing quite efficiently. These are some habits you need to develop in yourself while playing piano. Following are some of them.

  • Self-discipline

Normally, when you are learning piano from a teacher, you are in a perfect discipline. You need to listen to your piano trainer while learning piano from him/her. Since you are learning it in a group, the disciple will be developed automatically.  But, when you are learning it completely alone, it is you who will be responsible for the complete discipline. You must be punctual about the time.


  • Reading

A layman who do not know the signs of the piano playing will never know how to read. Thus, it is very important to have a minimum understanding of a person who will be learning piano without the help of a piano teacher. You must study those signs by reading its basics. This way you will be able to learn your own music.


  • Practice plan setup

You must have a perfect routine of your practice plan. This is very important if you want to succeed in the piano playing career. The three major part of the plan are reading, rhythm and technique. If you want to improve your piano learning, this practice will be a must.


  • Rhythm

Some of you may have inherited the sense of rhythm in yourself. Thus, you can proceed with the piano learning quite easily. But, there are many individuals who wish to learn piano. But, they don’t have the sense of rhythm right from their birth. In such a case, you need to develop it through practice and by listening to various rhythm. If you want to bring live to music, rhythm is an important element which you should never forget.

  • Example- You must have noticed many people tapping their feet while listening to a music on their headphone. Do you know why? It is just because the song has a wonderful rhythm. This makes everyone moved and gets their body approach to some action. Therefore, they tap their feet.


  • Technique

How will you learn your piano lessons? Normally, when you enrol to a teacher, he or she will teach you a technique. This process can help you learn piano easily. Similarly, when you are learning piano without the help of a teacher, you too need to learn certain techniques. You can easily come across the tips from the online tutorials. There are various lessons online which you can grab to making your piano learning easy and convenient.

Are you sure you are on the right track of learning piano?

You are learning piano by yourself. You don’t have a teacher to guide you. Thus, it is quite natural to have some mistake. Sometimes people may deviate their path and go to a wrong track of learning piano. Thus, it is very important to make sure you are on the right track. Following are the factors to find out whether you are in the right track:

  • Find out whether you are progressing in the art of piano learning.
  • Do you require much more practice than you are doing right now?
  • Are you playing the music you wish to play?
  • Ask your friend and relatives about your piano playing quality. It is getting impressive?
  • Go back to your goal and see whether your task has reached to that level.

Once you have the answer of all these questions, you must be very well assured about your progress. Soon you will realise that you are in the right track.

What is the main source of piano learning without teacher?

Today, we mostly depend on the world wide web or internet for everything. Thus, if you don’t have a teacher for giving you lessons of piano, internet will be the best place. You will get different types of texts as well as video tutorials that will guide you more than that of a teacher. If you have any type of difficulty in following a lesson or a part of piano learning, you can easily write your question in the chat option. The experts will be present to help you with the correct answer.  There are forums where you can discuss about a topic. You will get your fellows who can guide you get the best combination.

Advantage of learning piano with internet resource

There are number of advantages of learning piano without a conventional teacher. The internet resources will give you a boost. Following are some advantages:

  • No need to start your piano learning with a conventional boring lesson. You can play your favourite music,
  • You get the flexibility of schedule. If you are busy working at your office throughout the day, it is possible to take a class at the night. Even late night is allowed
  • The piano learners won’t have to be afraid of the piano teacher as there is no physical teacher
  • You feel happy right from inside while you play the piano music
  • There are some latest techniques of internet based piano lessons. As a result, you can learn the art easily.


Today, you don’t need a teacher to get your piano lessons. The internet has enough of written resources as well as videos to make you an expert.




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