
Tips to Play Any Song Even if you don’t take Piano Lessons


Piano learning is quite easy these days. You don’t have to be dependent on a piano teacher. The technology has become so advanced that people can learn and play music by their own. Just you need to have piano and the manual in it. The internet is a wonderful medium here. You can now play piano even if you have not taken the piano lessons from a professional piano teacher.

What helps you take piano lessons without teacher?

Did you hear about app? It is quite simple and effective word spread in the market. You all must have smart phone handy. There are varieties applications which you can easily download. Those applications are known as ‘apps’. You can download various apps related to piano learning and playing. This will help you play the song independently. The audio as well as text version is present for your help.

Is it mandatory to take conventional piano lessons?

 This is an important question which every individual willing to play piano must ask himself. There was a time when there were no smart phone or technology that will give you an alternative way to learn the stereo type piano lessons. Every individual need to get an enrolment under the piano teacher. The students need to learn exactly what the teacher will teach them.

But, today the concept of learning piano is totally different. You don’t have to go through theory and lessons one by one to develop the piano skills in you. If you wish to play piano and have the lessons just for fun and entertainment, there is no need to take such piano. You can learn playing piano for any music or song as per your choice.

Does your piano lessons sound struggle?

 The beginning day of learning a conventional piano is quite different than the later days. A student with great aspiration to do something in the world of piano comes with a positive attitude to attend the piano class. He or she keep on waiting for day

when their favourite song will be played in piano. But, that day never comes. This makes the student highly demotivated. Soon the piano lessons appear to be boring and unattractive. This will be a struggle altogether after few weeks and months.

Your piano curriculum


piano curriculum
piano curriculum

Do you know why anyone feel bored or lose interest in playing piano? You must be feeling as if your struggle is too much. If you are learning the basic piano lessons, this seems to be tough boring and uninteresting. Do you think this is your problem? No, you are mistaken. The problem is not you, rather the problem is the curriculum which you are going through. It is important to know, what type of piano lessons you are pursuing. Most of you start pursuing the traditional piano modules. In such a case, it won’t be quite easy to learn playing of piano quickly.

How to learn piano fast?

 Today, we have a good new for all the young and aspirant piano players. You don’t have to go through the boring curriculum of the conventional piano lesson. The short piano courses like 30 days, 21 days, 15 days are one of the great way to learn piano lessons and music of your choice. You can now break your piano curriculum and enrol in these types of piano playing and learning methods. You can learn the chords which you wish to play.

The choice of youngsters

The choice of music differs from one individual to another. Years before, the classical music was a trend. People enrolling for piano must learn the lessons on classical music only. But today, the choice has changed. The music lovers have inclination towards Jazz, pop a well as blues. Thus, the want for classical music has side off. These days while learning and playing piano, the youngsters don’t have to repeat the boring Mozart and the classical music. You can play your song by your choice.

Why piano teachers fail to get students

Unlike the demand of piano teachers in the traditional edge, the piano teachers with only the classical knowledge can hardly survive in this competitive world. Following are their disadvatages:

  • They never ask and wants to know from the students about their preference of music
  • Teachers emphasis on the stereo type classical music
  • Basis of piano teaching for them is the is the classical music
  • They still make the students learn the outdated information
  • Traditional piano teachers are not aware of piano teaching through internet
  • They don’t give ample time to each student so that they can learn playing piano in a systematic way.
  • Online piano teaching and apps have reduced the demand for physical piano teachers.
  • They demand high fees from the students and parents

Tips to play piano by yourself

 It is now possible to learn piano yourself. You don’t have to face the teachers with rigid piano lessons. There are customized options as well. But, little guidance is always important. But, its is not required to enrol with the teachers who think they have accomplished themselves in the world of music. Thus, they can force the students to follow their technique and the song they ask. There are students who are unable to play the scales. Also, they are not capable in play the arpeggios. This is because, the teachers can teach them some of the basic facts.

Following are the facts that can help them play piano easily:

Grouping and rotation

 The piano learner must be aware about the technique of grouping, lifts as well as rotation. The kids specially, starts playing the first note with the weight of their arm. But, he must play with the succeeding notes. There are some wrong practices being taught to each student coming to learn piano for the first time. Crossing thumb under the palm is also not right practice.

 Playing with relaxed hand

Some of the piano teachers ask the students to play it with relaxed hand. But, technically, there is nothing call as relaxation while playing piano. Certain muscles of your hand and body are kept aside from playing piano.

 Use of thumb

There are certain techniques of using thumb also. But, you must do it without curling the abductors and flexor of the thumb. Most of the players do this mistake. Also, the piano teachers don’t stop it. But, if you carry on with flexing or abduction, this can be a hindrance to the other finger’s movement. Thus, there will be a difficulty in playing piano.

 Freeing the fingers

Your thumb movement in piano playing will be a consideration of playing piano effortlessly or not. It is on the thumb movement on which the other movements of the fingers depend. If you can use your thumb without the effort of other muscles, the other fingers will move effortlessly.

 Natural finger movement

It is good to go ahead with natural finger movement. Restriction on a single muscle or stiffness in playing being too much cautious can create a mess. This will develop bad muscle memory habit. Thus, there will be very challenging pattern of your muscle movement development.

 Arm mechanics in playing piano


piano learn

When you are playing piano, the most important factor will be the arm mechanism. But, some of them do wrong movement of the arm. This creates strain and makes the individual feel irritated. The piano teacher starts prescribing the ditties of piano playing. This makes the student too much rigid. As a result, you can execute the challenging patterns. But, if you get an appropriate teacher, he/she will give you good tips about the mechanics of arm.

Four aspects of piano playing without lessons

Many of you may not know so many details of learning a piano. Now, It is very important to have a note on these. Let us have a look at its aspects:


There are certain techniques which the student must follow for playing piano. This can be before and after. One of it is the mechanics of arms. It is always good to do the home work. Before you start playing piano, the arm techniques are gong to be a vital aspect to follow. But, remember not to take advice from too many teachers Follow only one teacher and focus on what he or she says.


If you are learning piano from a teacher, he/she must be in a state to propose music in a sequential order. You will get to learn exactly what your mind can bear and take it in your memory.


In this aspect you must learn about the vocabulary of the music. Most of the teacher has the target of matching dots on the piano learning page. Nor it is about just the keys of piano. The piano teachers normally teach the children about the alphabets, letters as well as words. The teacher also will teach the students about the sound of each word and in the piano theory.

 There are many students who learn piano without the theory. Yes, this too is now possible. But, they are known as musically illiterate. They may not know the basic of piano playing but will take up the direct song play.


Sometime, you need some emotions to play the piano. This will make your playing skill and presentation more effective. But, some of the students lags in it. This I where you must take help of the piano teacher. The students require perfect instruction for this purpose.

 Tips to learn piano without reading sheet


The traditional way of learning piano involves reading sheet. But, this becomes very boring at times. Even the piano students lose interest in it.  But, today, you can easily learn piano and its chords without using the music sheet. Most of the students have shared an opinion of learning and understanding piano through practical experience.

Listening is one of the important part of learning piano. Students must go ahead with the active listening. This will help you memorise and identify the pattern. Listening helps registering in the memory faster than the reading process.

  • Scales– The piano students willing to play piano in a proper way must identify the scales. In very basic language, scale in piano is identifying keys. It is always good to gain good knowledge of basic minor and major scales.

Learning the pattern of scale is another important factor in piano learning.  You will get the blue print of the same. Normally,12 scales for each main scale type can be a note combination.

  • Chords– Normally, the chords of piano are of two types. One is called as major scale where as other is called minor scale. There are other chords types that will help you go with the advancement of piano music. But, normally these two scales as stated above are the vital ones. You can easily set and play the popular songs with these.

Harmony is again an important fact of playing piano music. The melody is an important factor when you are engaged with playing piano. The chords are put together in a sequence to have a wonderful feel within the song. This creates harmony while you play music with piano. But, you can make different choice and combination of chords to make a perfect harmony. The students willing to learn and play piano must know about harmony in detail.

  • Riffs– The piano player must go ahead with perfect ear training when they wish to go ahead seamless piano playing. Identification of riffs will play a vital role here. Each of the piano player will not only use the finger and memory for piano playing. Rather, their ear must equally participate in making the piano playing a grand success.

Listening plays an important role over here as it easily makes the player feel the harmony of the song.  The choice of the chords is made in certain order that the emotional response from the listener is vividly inculcated. The emotional response backed with ear training makes the riffs and play great piano.


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