Top Mistakes to Avoid When Learning to Play the Piano

Piano learning involves variety of factors. While you learn piano, you may come across many new information. Even the techniques taught by the piano teachers will be new to you. But, many of you make mistakes while following the lessons. This is the reason; your piano learning skill does not get that improved. Even while practicing, the piano players make a lot of mistakes. Some of the mistakes are very common.

avoid mistakes while playing piano
piano playing mistakes- avoid

Why do you make mistake in learning piano?


Making mistakes is quite common. If you are a learner of piano, you may not know many facts and process. Thus, it is quite acceptable that you make a mistake. Some people makes mistake unknowingly where as others purposely do it while experimenting. Another group of piano learners may not know that they are making mistake. Sometimes, choice of piano teacher is a factor too. If you have chosen an inefficient piano teacher, chances of making mistake is quite high.


Role of piano teacher in making mistakes


It is the role of piano teacher to point out the mistake which his or her student is performing. But, there are teachers who have the target of completing the course. The teacher doesn’t focus on what the student is doing. Thus, the student keeps on practicing the wrong thing. Naturally, that becomes a habit.


Students- unaware mistakes


The student is unaware that he is making the mistake. There is repeated time he is committing the error. As a result, there is very low chance of solving the error. Some of the piano teachers have huge batch of students. Thus, they don’t focus on each student. Those who don’t make mistake by themselves, they are lucky. But, those who make mistake without knowing, they become the ultimate loser.


Common mistakes of piano beginners


five mistakes
common mistakes

It is the time to find out some common mistakes which every beginner come across. Following are the mistakes:

  1. Jumping level up- Some of the piano students feel themselves to be over confident about their learning. They think they have learned everything in the first level. Thus, they try to procced with the next step. This is a wrong approach and a mistake too in piano learning experience. Sometimes, the players avoid some portion of playing piano. Do you know why? It is just because those portions seem to have appeared very tough. You won’t be able to learn some vital techniques and lessons if you avoid it.


  1. Piano practice without metronome- When you are going for actual practice of piano, you need to keep in mind about certain factor. Metronome is an instrument that must be used when you are practicing. But, most of the players find it annoying. But, even if it is irritating, proper practice of piano will be missing if you don’t use it. This will make you punctual. Do You wish to get incorrect rhythms? If you don’t use the metronome, you will have a chance of getting it.


  1. Practice delay- To learn anything with focus and a goal, practice is an important element. Even piano is not an exception when it comes to practice. Some of the players have a tendency of squeezing a week’s practice and keep that for the last day just a day before the examination or the day when your piano teacher will ask for the lesson. Piano is such a rhythmic modulation, that will take major part of your brain. Thus, if you don’t practice for a long time, there will be a gap in the middle. As a result, some portion will be lost from your memory line.


  1. Techniques skipping- Different students learning piano has different types of wants. Some factors make them happy. Where as some techniques makes them bored. Scales are one of them which makes the player disinterested. Even the Arpeggios are the same way least interesting. This is the reason why people avoid those. But, these are the basic which will build your hand position, sight reading skills, fingering etc. If you have not followed the lessons on these techniques, there will be great problem in your piano playing in future. Who knows, you might feel like making your career in piano playing. If this is the case, you may suffer and repent for not learning these techniques at an early stage.


  1. Lack of adequate practice- When your piano teacher asks you whether you are practicing at home or not, your answer is ‘Yes’. In most of the cases you may not lie. You do practice. It is true. But, even then your performance in your music class is not appropriate. Do you know why? It is just because you didn’t practice adequately. Means, if you were supposed to practice 1 hour every day, you might have practice just 2 hours in a week. Do you think it is adequate? Absolutely not. Your fellow friends have practiced much more than you.


  1. Lady posture and hand position- Sometimes, it may happen that you don’t have mood to play piano. Since your teacher is asking you to do, you cannot say no. What do you do? The techniques that you apply here is using the lazy posture. The student over here uses their hand positions and body posture in an awkward way. This is just because they do it unwillingly. They don’t want to play the piano. This factor is easily reflected in their posture and body movement and arm keeping position. But, don’t do this. You may not belief, but this is a wrong practice. You must practice piano willingly.


  1. Teacher’s note ignorance- Some of the students are totally ignore what the teacher is teaching. They go ahead with ignoring their teacher’s note. They will give all the helpful notes within the notebook where you are presenting your piano class work. It is very important to follow all such notes when you are practicing the piano lesson. But, this does not happen at all.


  1. No fun moments- If your mind is not happy, you will never enjoy the lesson or a teaching. Thus, having fun is an important part of your piano learning. You must have an interest when you are playing piano. Now, it is up to you for whether you will see it in a positive sense or negative. Some people love to have fun when they are taking the piano classes. But, there are another group of people who are feeling bored of following piano lessons daily. There is an idea through which you can have fun while playing piano. You must make a list of several reasons for which you play piano. Now, keep this note just beside every time you deal with the piano class and lessons. This will be a great way to stay cheerful while you practice piano.


  1. Long sessions- There is a very common tendency that, when they start learning piano, they do it with great enthusiasm. But, after some months or years they start losing interest. Some people get frustrated as well. If the lessons are long and is carried out for a long time, the fingers start cramping. It is true that the learner need to practice playing piano. But, how long could they practice? If you are a beginner, 15 minutes will be good enough. Don’t stress yourself too much if you are not willing at all. Just do the practice as must as you are willing. This technique will help you get interest in learning piano for a long time. This fact is not true only for the beginners with piano learning. Rather, even the professionals playing piano for years admit the same. They also need some break from the piano learning process. Thus, they should get some time for relaxation. Also,


  1. Choice of wrong fingering- Do you know that piano playing is an art. Thus, the technique used over here is remarkable as well. While playing the musical instrument some of you choose wrong finger ring. This is a wrong practice which can lead you to the mistake while learning piano. For some of you, it is not sensible at all. Even others won’t realize this fact. Also, it makes the whole process difficult. Also maintaining proper tempo is very difficult due to this. Now, when you have realized and initiated to change your fingers, this will be again a difficult factor. It is just since, your finger muscle has become adapted with a particular movement. Now, when you change it, it will be much more difficult to play.


  1. No routine for playing piano – Routine or a schedule is an important part for different types of tasks. The piano playing is not an exception. If you want to learn piano well, establishing a routine will help you. But, most of the player don’t have a specific routine of playing piano. They randomly choose a time and start playing. Naturally, there is an irregularity in playing the musical instrument. This will give rise to lagging in practice. Thus, it is one of the major mistakes which most of the piano player make.


  1. Keyboard in a corner- If you have piano, do you know where to keep it? The place is an important fact to make the piano learning experience and playing flawless. Now, many layers wish to sit in a place where people cannot disturb them. In this connection, they keep the piano keybaord in a corner. Rather, some of them keep it in remote corner. Thus, it will be less visible. Thus, you won’t remember that there is a piano for you and you need to practice the same. Thus, it is a wrong idea. Instead, keep it in such a place where your eye will go. You will get a boost in learning and practicing piano. Every time your eyes go there, you will remember to practice. Naturally, this is a good habit which is developing.


  1. Thinking notes and key same- Some of the players have a misconception. Even the piano teacher is not capable of removing the myth. Do you know what is the misconception about? The players assume the keys and notes the same. But, this is totally a wrong thinking. These two are not the same. To make it very clear, the notes are on your pages where as the keys are on your piano. Even the notes have the capacity to take many forms. You can write it in many ways.


  1. Avoiding scales- Some of the players just wish to learn piano quickly and play their favourite songs. They don’t give emphasis on scale. Also, they purposely neglect the scales. They do this because they find it very boring and pointless. But, it is very important to note that they are one of the vital part of playing piano. This, you may not realise now. But, once you think of being a proficient piano player, scales will be an important element. Thus, if you can know and play these at very early stage, you won’t have trouble in future.


  1. Performance and shows to avoid- Some of you may even get offers from your locality or any other large platform to play piano on stage. But, you have the tendency to avoid it. It is just because you have a stage fear. You feel it very scary to play in front of the mass. But, if you keep on avoiding it, the fear will never go away. Rather, then it will grab you and make you life hell. You will always feel this fear. Instead, you must overcome it by your performance. Start giving your performance as much as possible. With regularity, you will have practice. Naturally, the fear will go away. You must share your music with others and get recognition as a piano player in the long run.


  1. Ignorance of rhythm- Some of you may have learnt about the rhythm in piano while you have been taught by your teacher. But, while playing, you may have totally avoided the same. But, this is going to be a biggest mistake. The way you have known the importance of notes, the rhythm is also equally important. Don’t ignore or avoid it.



 The above mentioned are some of the vital mistakes which the piano players do recurrently. It can be knowing or unknowingly. But, you must avoid all these mistakes. Or else your learning piano will go to veil. You can speak to your piano teacher if you are facing trouble in playing it. He or she will help you. There are experts online who can give you online suggestion as well.










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